๐ŸŽ›๏ธSound Mode

There are 4 different sound modes in your Kids Buddy Watch. These are mute, vibrate, ring, and ring+vibrate.

Step by step instructions

Below youโ€™ll find the steps for changing the sound mode in your Kids Buddy Watch.

Step 1

Click on the SOS button (0.5 seconds) to activate the screen.

Please Note: If the screen doesnโ€™t turn on then the battery might be flat or the device is already turned off.


Step 2

Swipe left until you reach to MORE and click on it.

Step 3

Click on Settings.

Step 4

Scroll down and until you find SCENE MODE, then tap on it.

Step 5

In here you have 4 different options:

1. Mute 2. Vibration Only 3. Ring Only 4. Ring and Vibrate

Pro Tip: If your kids is in school, then you don't want others to be disturbed when you call. So you can set the Kids Buddy Watch to vibration only or mute.

Step 6

Choose which option you like then tap of it, then you done.

Click on the link below for more battery saving tips and tricks

๐Ÿ”‹pageBattery Life

Step 7

Once you are happy with your sound mode, click on one of the back buttons to exit the function menu.

Last updated